Lynden NHS

What is National Honor Society?

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a prestigious organization that recognizes and celebrates outstanding high school students who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Founded on the principles of fostering a commitment to community service, promoting leadership development, and upholding high ethical standards, NHS seeks to honor students who embody these qualities.
Inductees into the National Honor Society have not only excelled academically but have also demonstrated a strong dedication to making a positive impact on their school and community.
Being a member of the National Honor Society signifies a commitment to academic achievement, leadership, and a passion for service, preparing students to become responsible and engaged citizens in their future endeavors.

What we do

Members of the National Honor Society (NHS) actively engage in a variety of activities that align with the organization's core pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Academic excellence remains a primary focus, as members consistently strive for scholastic achievement and serve as academic role models for their peers. In terms of leadership, NHS members often take on leadership roles within their school or community, demonstrating their ability to guide and inspire others.
A significant aspect of being an NHS member involves dedicated service to the community through various volunteer initiatives and projects. Members commit their time and skills to make a positive impact on others, embodying the spirit of selfless service. Additionally, maintaining high standards of character is fundamental for NHS members, who serve as ethical examples within their school communities.
Overall, National Honor Society members actively contribute to the betterment of their surroundings by combining academic excellence with leadership, service, and character development.